Posts tagged media
Partner Blog: Perfectionism and a Path to Happiness

On the surface, perfectionism might seem like a good thing. After all, doesn’t everyone want to be the best version of themself? But the problem with perfection is that it's an impossible - and counterproductive - goal. There's no such thing as perfect, no matter how hard we try to be it.  And the more we try, the more we set ourselves up for disappointment and frustration.

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Rachel Lundmedia
KIRO Newsradio: Seattle psychotherapist on how to cope with ‘season of toxic positivity’

Self Space was recently featured in a KIRO News story by Rachel Belle, Kiro Newsradio feature reported and host of the James Beard Award-nominated podcast, “Your Last Meal”. In the podcast. Rachel discusses toxic positive with one of our Self Space therapists, and they explore what is toxic positivity, how to identify when it comes up (or when you’re using it!), how to address it, and what to do instead.

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